Tuesday, June 9, 2009

updated: new Flat pack patterm

This is the new layout i've used for the final model.
That pattern was designed to be lazer cut but unfortunately i could not get it to the machine since the queue was too long and i ended up doing it all by hand. It took me around 36 very long hours non stop to complete.

Red lines = Cut through
Grey lines = Half - quarter cut
Blue lines = Hand cut into 3 modules for fitting into the machine which has a maximum dimensions of 1200 x 1500 mm.

Even with the help of a lazer cutting machine there would be the need for some post processing, specially all the different angled V-routing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Joining and locking systems developped for th final model

Sheet to sheet edge connection : Key Way

Perpendicular locking system : solution for lateral stability

Truncated V groove fold was the solution to the conventional V groove because fo the difficulty of cutting the valley at such low angle. This method facilitates the cutting process and also the structural stability since surface area is slightly increased.

Full scale mockup

Using the layout that i used for the 1:10 mockup model, i tested whether it worked on a full scale setup specially when we need to take the thickness of the material.

Actually it didn't worked out as expected, many joints and flaps were not fitting perfectly, and there were gaps at some corners.
The prblem could have arisen due to (1) the thickness of my mockup cardboard, which happened to be almost 15mm thick, and (2) design of the folds considering the thickness and ways to improve lateral stability.

One thing that easily worked out was the compressive strength ability.

Flat pack in 3 pieces

A variation of the Key way locking system

V groove (this chairs contains lots of them in different unique specifications)

Problem: miss alligned locking system

Problem: flap too short

left open gap is not aesthetically pleasing

overall scale compared to other generic chair.

After studying things that didn't worked out well, i went back(with a headache) to the drawing book, designing new joining techniques which i will document in the next post.

Concept generator

From Mango to Furniture

The whole idea behind my final Concept was in fact a piece of mango, you can observe from the above picture the way it was cut and poped inside out, and if pushed inside again all the squares would fit nicely together.

That's how i got the foundation to create a full chair consisting a pattern of squares carefully crafted to fit in each adjacent ones perfectly.Backed up by my other influences of papercrafting and origami modelling made it possible to realise that chair, the X-craft.

left over sketches

Brain storming

Precedent study of existing chairs and dimensions.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Concept : The X-Craft [X-board + Papercraft]

Preliminary sketches leading to concept development.

Few rough estimates on the compressive strength of a 20 x 50 rectangle.

Photograph of the prototype: Front

Photograph of the prototype: Side

Photograph of the prototype: Rear

From this viewing angle we can appreciate the void below the seat which gives a sense of gravity defying, specially when made using a cardboard based material.

Photograph of the protoype: isometric

The flat pattern developped from the 3D modelling.

Fitting the whole chair on just one pattern (which give it the maximum possible strength and lateral stability) was the most challenging part. This temporary pattern does not contain any locking system yet.

3D modelling : Loads of trial and error involved to get the form right

The 1st prototype : just the seat

Based on my first prototype, i further developed it to make the legs and strengthen the back rest using papercrafting method that i'm very familiar with. That's where the name of X-craft came from X board and paperCRAFT.

Using this technique i managed to create a very complex mid-sized chair with a significantly strong back rest, by making the best out the tesseations and the strength of Xanita board, i'm confident that the chair will be strong and stable to easily hold the 150kgs.

At this stage of prototyping, the flat pattern (which is only made up of 1 major part) will be using the whole width of 1830mm of the X-board.

The model (scale 1:5) was fixed using tape, because i have not devised the joints that i'll be using in that complex structure.

The next model will be a full size working prototype.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Concept ideas

I choose to design my piece of furniture for the 100% DESIGN TOKYO 2009 because its an exhibition wherby a lot of contemporary designs (national and international) are showcased. This opportunity makes it the perfect place to design my chair that would be based on complex folds and engineering the X-board to its best effiency level in terms of ammount of material usage, strength (tensile and compressive), and ergonomics all together in a small package that could be easily assembled/ disassembled for the period of the show.

Above are few sketches of initial concept ideas and designs presented at previous 100% Design exhibitions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Xanita board folding techniques

Xanita board experimentation of folding techiques and methods:
- Lap fold
- Miter fold
- Curved fold
- Self locking system (concealed)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Esquisse 3 - 3D translation

My product from nature is a stem along which lies a bunch of seeds arranged in an helical order. The stem being the center axis, and the seeds goes around it together with the height.

From this particular sequence and repetition,
i made these variations of helical paper folds that are constrained to a similar central axis.

The helical design (below) is another variation of the first attempt, and is much more related to the Human gene, DNA strands.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Esquisse 2 - Locking System

Plain 4mm corrugated cardboard, about 200mm x 320mm

designed, cut and scored for folding.

Folded structure 100mm high, that translates the load laterally from the mini bridges to the columns which were further reinforced by inner folds.

The idea of the structure and shape came from the "Arch of Triumph" monument, Paris, France

An array of 3 Arches that would be able to carry additional load.