Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Concept ideas

I choose to design my piece of furniture for the 100% DESIGN TOKYO 2009 because its an exhibition wherby a lot of contemporary designs (national and international) are showcased. This opportunity makes it the perfect place to design my chair that would be based on complex folds and engineering the X-board to its best effiency level in terms of ammount of material usage, strength (tensile and compressive), and ergonomics all together in a small package that could be easily assembled/ disassembled for the period of the show.

Above are few sketches of initial concept ideas and designs presented at previous 100% Design exhibitions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Xanita board folding techniques

Xanita board experimentation of folding techiques and methods:
- Lap fold
- Miter fold
- Curved fold
- Self locking system (concealed)